Bottom Paint
- TotalBoat Spartan Multi-Season Antifouling Paint: do you need to sand between coats?
- Can TotalBoat JD Select be applied over previously painted TotalBoat Krypton antifouling bottom paint?
- Can TotalBoat Underdog be applied over previously applied Pettit 1933 Copper Bronze antifouling paint?
- Can any TotalBoat antifouling bottom paints be applied to a polyethylene boat?
- Can any of the TotalBoat antifouling bottom paints be applied directly to coal tar epoxy primer?
- Can TotalBoat Outdrive AF be applied directly to bronze?
- Can TotalBoat Krypton or AlumiPaint AF antifouling paint be applied over a tin-based antifouling paint?
- Which bottom paint should I use?
- Does a full coat of TotalBoat Spartan need to be applied, or would some touch-up paint be sufficient for a second season?
- Is sanding between coats required when applying Pettit Hydrocoat?
- Can I apply bottom paint on bare fiberglass?
- Do I need to apply a primer over gelcoat before applying antifouling bottom paint?
- Top bottom paint FAQs
- Common reasons for antifouling paint failure
- Solvent-based vs. water-based bottom paints
- Bottom painting equipment, supplies, and safety
- Bottom painting tips - from prep to application
- How to prevent corrosion on aluminum boats and pontoons
- Which bottom paint is right for my boat?
- What's the difference between ablative bottom paint and hard bottom paint?
- The difference between copper and copper-free bottom paint
- Bottom paint prep
- Best conditions for applying antifouling bottom paint
- Bottom Paint 101: The basics of bottom paint
- JD Bottom Paint Survey Results and Map
- Can I apply a water-based bottom paint over a marine epoxy primer?
- How do I mark my waterline before applying bottom paint?
- Which antifouling paint is best for saltwater boating?
- Which antifouling bottom paint is best for freshwater boating?
- Which antifouling paint should I apply to my aluminum pontoon boat?