Order & Payment FAQs
- Do you accept Purchase Orders?
- Do you accept government Purchase Orders?
- Do you offer Open Terms?
- Do you charge sales tax?
- Can I pay with a VISA gift card?
- How can I check the status of my order?
- How do I change or cancel my order?
- Can I place an order using a foreign credit card?
- How will I know my order was successfully placed?
- Will I receive an Order Confirmation email?
- Do you accept Apple Pay or Amazon Payments?
- How do I view my order history?
- Can I have my order shipped somewhere other than my credit card billing address?
- Can I place an order over the phone?
- I entered a coupon code and it didn't work. Why?
- How do I apply a coupon to my order?
- Do you accept wire transfer payments?
- What forms of payment do you accept?
- Do you accept international orders?