If you applied a coupon code to your order at checkout, but the order total didn't change, there are few possible causes:
- Coupon code was misspelled or entered incorrectly. Check the spelling, including whether a zero was entered as 'O' or vice versa.
- Coupon code was expired. Some promotional offers are valid only for a few days. Some are valid up to a year. If you received a coupon code via an email from Jamestown Distributors, please check that email for important offer details, including expiration date.
- Coupon code did not apply to the items you ordered. Some coupon codes are specific to a product, brand, or category. Some extremely price-sensitive products are excluded from promotional offers.
- Coupon code was not entered in the right place during checkout, or 'Apply' was not clicked after entering the coupon. Please see the screen shot below, illustrating where coupons must be entered. Note the 'Apply' button to the right of the coupon box.