In this article, we'll show you how to update the following information in your account:
- Name
- Phone
- Zip Code
- Address
Note that you can have more than one address associated with your account. For your main account information, you can change the name, email, phone, and zip code. Your address information can be changed separately. First, you'll see how to change the name, email, phone, and zip code associated with your account. Then you'll see how to change your default address, or to add other addresses that can be associated with your account.
To change the NAME, EMAIL, PHONE, and ZIP CODE associated with your main account, follow these steps:
- Log in to your account.
- Click the icon next to your name.
- In the menu, click Account Info to display your current account info.
- At the bottom of the screen click Edit Account Info.
- Edit your account info, as desired, and click Save.
To change the default ADDRESS associated with your account, follow these steps:
- Log in to your account.
- Click the icon next to your name.
- In the menu, click My Addresses to display the default address associated with your account.
- In the box containing your default address, click the Edit button.
- Edit your address, as desired, and click Update.
To add another ADDRESS to your account, follow these steps:
- Log in to your account.
- Click the icon next to your name.
- In the menu, click My Addresses.
- On the My Addresses screen, click the Add Address button.
- On the Add Address screen, enter your name and the new address, as desired, and click the Add An Address button.
The new address appear in the Save Addresses. You have the option to make this new address your default address, or you can edit this address.
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