What color matches my boat? Where can I find this color? Can I repair this area and match this color? These are some of the most common questions and, unfortunately, they don't always have simple answers. First of all, color is subjective, and in different light, a color may appear a little different from one person to another. To select your desired color, we recommend that you obtain color cards from different paint manufacturers.
With today's modern technology and products, why is color such a difficult subject? Technology allows us to match just about any color, but with the thousands of color shades available, consistency and availability become tougher, especially when performing a repair. Over time, both gelcoated and painted boats will fade from UV exposure. It can be very helpful to know the color that your boat started as, but for a boat that's 10, 25, or even 40 years old, the color fades and seldom resembles the original.
Most boat manufacturers can help get you started on the right track with a color tone, but it's always subjective. Most paint manufacturers will work off of similar color charts, but color is still subjective. To compare color choices and make the best decision, it's always recommended that you acquire the various manufacturers' color charts.