Yes, the individual, metered epoxy resin pump and hardener pump can be reused in new containers of their respective material.
For example, when the epoxy resin contain runs out, open a new container of the same brand of epoxy resin, unscrew the cap from the empty container, and put it on the new epoxy resin container. Screw the pump tightly onto the new container. If you spill and epoxy resin while transferring the pump from the old container to the new container, use a clean rag dampened with acetone, denature alcohol, or lacquer thinner to wipe up the spill. Rinse the area with fresh water, then dry with another clean towel.
Remember, to use resin pumps on resin containers and hardener pumps on hardener containers, and only reuse the pumps in the same brand and type of epoxy resin or hardener.